EVMOS Mainnet block explorer evmos_9001-2

Address Details

EVM-style Address:

EVMOS-style Address:

EVMOS balance:
10.485685397773066697 EVMOS (~0.56 USD)

Total staked:
211.585908441258330456 EVMOS
👉 10.21 EVMOS into Bro_n_Bro
👉 9.821 EVMOS into Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝
👉 9.1789 EVMOS into Swiss Staking
👉 9.139 EVMOS into Bored Ape Server
👉 9.1062 EVMOS into Crosnest
👉 8.7088 EVMOS into Vitwit (Previously Witval)
👉 8.6813 EVMOS into carbonZERO🌲
👉 8.0623 EVMOS into SmartNodes-Family 🛡️ Slash Protected
👉 7.9585 EVMOS into GATA HUB
👉 7.9289 EVMOS into Gelotto 🛡 Slash Protected
👉 7.8594 EVMOS into Cosmos Spaces
👉 7.8417 EVMOS into  Oni ⛩️
👉 7.8047 EVMOS into TC Network
👉 7.746 EVMOS into Stakely.io
👉 7.6655 EVMOS into EZ Staking
👉 7.3979 EVMOS into ECO Stake 🌱
👉 7.3007 EVMOS into CLOSING 2024.03.31 REDELEGATE
👉 7.2698 EVMOS into Perseverance Staking
👉 7.2413 EVMOS into polkachu.com
👉 7.2368 EVMOS into StakeLab.zone
👉 6.8542 EVMOS into Disperze
👉 6.7908 EVMOS into Imperator.co
👉 6.7793 EVMOS into Frens (🤝,🤝)
👉 6.7418 EVMOS into POSTHUMAN ꝏ DVS
👉 6.2709 EVMOS into Provalidator
👉 5.9858 EVMOS into OrbitalApes.com
0EC800305C9BAE7... from 12 days ago
721BF357363317D... from 260 days ago
Notice: the account tracking feature has started on Evmos Block Explorer since 2023, July 25th so the "Last Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet has been in-active after this timeline and the "First Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet actived before this timeline.
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