EVMOS Mainnet block explorer evmos_9001-2

Address Details

EVM-style Address:

EVMOS-style Address:

EVMOS balance:
0.848212409809616285 EVMOS (~0.04 USD)

Other coins balance:
0.000039 OSMO (~0 USD)
⚠️un-verified token, displaying using IBC-trace data: 0.1349 cnto

Total staked:
1,232.419350899139991076 EVMOS
👉 378.5575 EVMOS into Disperze
👉 160.33 EVMOS into OrbitalApes.com
👉 112.4882 EVMOS into GATA HUB
👉 70.0 EVMOS into Golden Ratio Staking
👉 69.4213 EVMOS into  Oni ⛩️
👉 53.2066 EVMOS into Frens (🤝,🤝)
👉 50.0 EVMOS into CosmosPug 🍒
👉 50.0 EVMOS into Perseverance Staking
👉 50.0 EVMOS into ECO Stake 🌱
👉 50.0 EVMOS into Coinage x DAIC
👉 50.0 EVMOS into Allnodes
👉 49.5012 EVMOS into StakeLab.zone
👉 38.9143 EVMOS into Stakecito
DFA4E9C866CBB1F... from 32 days ago
A01A83B54698A62... from 730 days ago
Notice: the account tracking feature has started on Evmos Block Explorer since 2023, July 25th so the "Last Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet has been in-active after this timeline and the "First Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet actived before this timeline.
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